OK, Enough of All That.
What Does SLM Really Sound Like?

The SLM debut album Thrum is ready.

The CD release is set for 10/10/2009. In the meantime, here's a four-track sample of MP3s. These are 256-kb versions (hey, Radiohead! Paying attention?), but you'll probably still want to buy the record, one way or another. Uncompressed versions sound better loud.

King of Memory (Brown) (4:43) | King lyrics
The Universal Skeptical Anthem (Millard) (5:09) | USA lyrics
Strong, Silent Type (Brown) (5:02) | Piano: Bryan | Strong lyrics
How's Dr. Ving? (Millard) (3:31) | Helicopter swarm: Bill | Dr. Ving lyrics
Produced by Nick Miller after hours at a very famous place (moment of silence, please), with additional recording and mixing by Nick at Sherman Ewing's Casa de Perros and Mercy Sound, Manhattan, and by Nick and Godfrey Diamond at Perfect Mixes, Brooklyn. Mastered by Damon Whittemore at ValveTone. Those who recognize the names of fantastic producers and engineers will recognize these guys' names (that's right, SLM are now two handshakes away from, among others, the Stones).

Here's SLM's first-ever video (!), created in Flash for "The Universal Skeptical Anthem" by the amazing Dan Weltsch. Yea Dan! Thanks! (If gaps appear, try pausing it long enough to give YouTube enough downloading time.)

And for the Obsessive SLM Audio Collector:

These older tracks are fun, too.

This End Up, the first song co-written by Bryan and Bill.

All of These Wires, from the same sessions.

A Man Demanded, wrapping up the 2002 demo.

Recorded with producer/engineer Tim Hatfield at Cowboy Technical Services, Brooklyn, winter 2002; the first batch to feature the current lineup (SLM v. 3.0).

Fährenheit 451, a one-off single.

Recorded with Joe Ford at SAE, with mastering at Backbone AV, August-September 2000; the lineup here was the transitional SLM v. 2.1.

Industrial Park from the "Guilty!" demo, SLM's first online single.

How's Dr. Ving? also from "Guilty!" (not the album version; no helicopters).

Recorded with Tim Hatfield at World Studios, winter 1997-98 (SLM v. 2.0).

Potboiler, one of the older and punkier ones.

Recorded with Greg DiGesu at Waterfront, Hoboken, 1994 (SLM v. 1.0).

Photo: probably Dan Weltsch, August 2002.

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